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Two years of cash payments with no strings attached to young people experiencing homelessness in Greater Boston

Supportive services like financial coaching, case management, and peer navigation

An evidence-driven evaluation of impact and scalability

More About BAY-CASH


Y2Y is excited to be a Core Partner and the Fiscal Sponsor for an exciting new guaranteed income pilot. Boston Area Youth–Cash Assistance for Stable Housing, or BAY-CASH, is the most important new innovation in our field, and one that we want to be available for every young person experiencing homelessness in the Commonwealth. It will test whether regular modest cash payments with targeted supportive services are effective in ending homelessness for 18-24 year olds. 


BAY-CASH has been developed in partnership with leading national experts, state advocates, local youth homelessness programs, and young adults with lived experience, and incorporates a rigorous Randomized Control Trial design to evaluate effectiveness. This evidence, experience, and advocacy will change the way people think about ending youth homelessness and supporting a broad range of populations, including foster youth, young people in the juvenile and adult incarceration systems, and disconnected youth. 


We need your help to make BAY-CASH a reality! To join this effort and for more information, materials, and updates, go to If you have any questions or would like to reach out directly to the BAY-CASH Project Team, email

Blue Tiles

 Shayla Fonfield,  Project Director

Matt Aronson BAY-CASH CO Chair

Matt Aronson

Chapin Hall

Evaluation Partner
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago

Y2Y Network

Fiscal Agent
Y2Y Network, Inc.


Core Partners

United Way Mass Bay
The Home for Little Wanderers
Breaktime Boston
The Aronson Family
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